I have seen with my eyes, the best of creation and that vision rid me of doubt, of malice and of all hypocrisy It publicly made the writing paper, my ink and my tongue familiar to me. It inhabited with a cure the lonliness of my heart The vision set light the fire of my passion, of my heart and of my decline. It made me spend a night of Insomnia while other members of the tribe slept. I have only imitated the chosen one(Mustapha) I have merely sung his praises; oh crowds! stop blaming me Is religion anything but faith in recitals and in the sunna of the chosen one which is my antidote? Oh men! stop this playfulness and walk in the footsteps of Muhammad or else you will distance me from yourselves If you ask me whether my wird (Tijani wird) is the chosen path of Muhammad, I will reply in the affirmative, because the ultimate goal of my wird is the purity of faith. Indeed the wird is nothing but the recital of the name of God, alone with a prayer in the name of the chosen one, the best of men It should noth include the recital of the name of a saint or of some other man. Besides, my word is a remedy for the suffering of the worshipper! My fine friend! Do not reject my word out of ignorance, out of rebelliousness, out of animosity, insolence or cruelty The shaykhs are guides who should imitate our Prophet so that others wanting to emulate him will do likewise The spirit of the Chosen one paid me a brief visit and I nearly broke into flight from affection and ardent desire; my passion for him is my calvary at night While the whole world sleeps peacefully, Ibrahim Niasse's love for Muhammad, the best of men and the fountain of splendour, is put to test It is out of jealousy and envy that people behave unjustly towards me, when in my youth I surpassed all my rivals It was in the cradle that I have a perfect success, thus all the elect of the invisible one admitted being under my law They cross the deserts of the East or West in the direction of Mecca for no other reason but to come and savour my pleasant smell Why not because my spring today is that of Muhammad and his secret flows through my body and over my face All my contemporaries have own an elevated rank, except those who deplored my path because they were slaves of passion I am not professing the truth under the influence of theopathy, or out of over weening pretension. I have offered my protection to all who crave felicity It was because of me that the tyranny which was oppressing us vanished. It was because of my divine gnosis that religion raised aloft its banner Thos who would come unto me, let them do so before the fatal expiry! Those who would not, let them flee from me in the manner of the chosen of damnation Do we want to extinguish a divine light? God will resist it whosoever be determined the enemy. It is wish the help of him who dissipated error that I shall plunge into the mire the noses of the malevolent people who accuse me of associationism I cut to the ground the edifice of lies which they had constructed whilst my own edifice remains standing owing to the secret of my model...... By my Lord, he who never tells a lie can attest that all those who wanted to cling to my cable have done so The same is true of my desert crossings which are yet unexplored by gnosis, so much so that the poles are unable to meet my mount I solemnly swear that only the happiest man likes me and only the most miserable breathing fire and fury hates me The people are certain that I am the servant of Muhammad and he who attaches himself to me will in the end join the Friend of God I am not making these pronouncements in the manner of a Saint who falling prey to ecstasy poffers phrases and I am not under the effect of any drunkenness which might have captured my reason My writings bring happiness to the human race and no one will ever be miserable who has seen me or my writing If i have spoken, it is because I was given the directive and yet I am silent on one secret which has never been confide to someone else All this privilege I owe to the love I have for the Prince of envoys (Muhammad). May God bless him and increase my degree as well I lit this love so well that I myself am perplexed by it. It is the Majesty of the Apostle of God which has thrown my mind into confusion My affection for him is flowing in hurried torrents. Glory be to the Lord who has nourished my mind on revelations Because of this secret, I am dead with desire and passion and the more I approach the Prophet, the more I love him Ah! may it please God for me to reach my beloved and for me to become his neighbour in the state of wakefulness as much as in the dream state! That is my wish How could it be otherwise because my eyes have seen Him when in the state of wakefulness in the encampment, which I will love to the end of the centuries Equally I saw his eyes the likes of which in beauty do not exist. Can anyone find Muhammad's equal? May salvation of truth rest upon him as long as he whose heart burns with affection for him says: I remember and the memory has troubled my face. Now the situation is clear. The Friend has accorded me special privileges. I am a special friend of Ta Ha He wanted to enstrust the Secret to me before my birth and I am the devoted instructor of the gnostics Although one day the poles were astonished to see me at their assembly, they ended up by obeying me and pledged me sincere friendship I saw the Messenger of God who told me that I was one of his devoted ambassadors to the human race!......... (My) Heart refuse rest, save being enamored in love and my yearning with the Apostle has enraptured my essence I kept vigil over the nights eulogizing and commemorating whose beginning and end is pure and holy As I am recording (my eulogy) in my night vigil while my neighbors were asleep, my eyes are shedding tears like falling rains I put the eulogy in proper order by commemorating his character, what can be better that celebrating the precious moon Muhammad my master is the key of all openings and he is the seal of all prophets their most superior and leader By his dignity all the apostles obtained their needs and by him the divine platform is adorned, extolled and magnified He has been a messenger of Allah ever before the advent of Adam and he will remain messenger of Allah eternally and magnificently He emerged as a unique treasure of the truth and for that he emerged as a divine distributor and the source of all things Miracle of all apostles is an extract from Muhammad’s miracles and from him emerged regulation of all affairs Muhammad is the bounties of the Lord of the throne, His mercy and grace, so let’s honor him
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